Autor/Herausgeber |
Clifford-Grein, Marilyn |
Original-Titel |
Crossover - The New Edition 1 |
Verlag |
Cornelsen |
Erscheinungsort |
Berlin |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2014 |
978-3-06-450671-8 (-3-06-450671-4) |
Länderausgabe |
BW |
Auflage |
1. Auflage |
Auszug der übertragenen Seiten |
TOPIC 2 Cities and Regions in Britain and the US
TEXT 1 Robbie Coltrane's Glasgow
GRAMMAR CHECK-UP 1: Passives (WB p. 60)
1 Translate these slightly adapted sentences from the text.
Remember that in German it is possible to translate passives with "man".
Example: He was asked lo leave the room. _Man bat ihn, das Zimmer zu verlassen._
1 All the best Victorian buildings have been saved.
2 The city was originally laid out like a grid.
3 If you were lucky, you would be offered a cheese roll.
4 If you asked for mustard, you would be assumed to be a weirdo.
5 The Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery has been reopened.
6 In the Barrowlands you are allowed to dance.
7 The Burrell Collection is visited by very many people.
GRAMMAR CHECK-UP 2: Relative sentences (WB p. 65)
2 a) Join the following sentences by using who, which, whose.
1 The East End is (the) part of Glasgow. It has the highest poverty rate. The East End is the pan of Glasgow _..._
2 Glasgow was once a wealthy city. Its wealth was based on the iron and steel industry and shipbuilding.
3 Glasgow became a depressed area. Its light industry is thriving now.
4 The Barras open-air market is a great success. It is held on Sundays.
Schlagworte |
Bezugsquelle |
Ilvesheim, Medienzentrum Tel: 0621/4969124 Fax: 0621/4969-149 |